Whichever the reason of your not drinking is - it should be respected. Each of us have had at least once a non-drinking time period (and many of us are having it now): either we have a car parked close, or because of some medical issues - we need to drink something non-alcoholic.
How is alcohol dealcoholized?
4 technologies are implemented while removing alcohol: steam vacuum, reverse osmosis, centrifugal force and halted fermantation (the last one is mostly used in beers.) All of them keep the taste, flavour and the bouquet, yet remove alcohol. If you are a big beer fan, please pay attention that our alcoholic-free beer is brewed after German Reinheitsgebot, which is a German law taken in 1487 which allowed only water, hops, malt and yeast as ingredients.
What Are The Advantages of Alcohol-Free Drinks?
- You don’t get drunk
- You can drive safely after it
- The beverages will not contadict with health issues
- Drinks will not affect an unborn child if a pregnant woman drinks them
Perhaps you want to drive home, or avoid the next day’s hangover. Or you could be watching your calorie intake, and wanting to avoid alcohol’s harmful effects on your health in the long term. And of course, there are several occasions when it’s wisest to stay sober and in control, such as work functions and some family occasions. However, as most non-drinkers will know, avoiding alcohol in social situations can be difficult.
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